Happy New Year everyone! This is my very first blog post, and I decided to start out by sharing my sewing plans for the new year. Every year I think that I have to at least finish one UFO and, unforutnately, this doesn't happen. What does happen is that I start a lot of new projects and my ongoing projects from the year before are added to my over-growing UFO collection. While I can't promise that I am going to dig through my old UFOs and finish one of them, I can say that I am going to finish things that were started in 2011.
I started the Greetings from Elm Creek Manor BOM in April 2011. I was lucky to find a lot of the fabrics that Jennifer Chiaverini used in hers which is pictured here. Only 3 more blocks to make and I'll have them finished.
Another quilt that I look forward to completing this year is my Sylvia's Bridal Sampler. I began this quilt in 2007 and since beginning changed my mind about fabric selection so a lot of the blocks were done over. I am using all Jinny Beyer fabrics and took colors from one of her border fabrics called Monticello. It is a pretty fabric line that is now retired. Here's a quilt that Jinny designed using these fabrics:

All of my SBS blocks are done using the above colors, and I will be using the same inner and outer borders as pictured above. I'm hoping it turns out as nice as Jinny's Monticello!
I have a passion for hand applique and also planning to finish Vintage Valentine, a Verna Mosquera pattern. For this one, I have to finish 3 more blocks plus the medallion, which is pretty big and will definitely take awhile!
So, it looks like my quilting plate is full!! I hope I can stay on track and finish these quilts before starting something new . . . time will tell!
Thanks for sharing part of your day with me : )
Welcome to the world of 'blogging'! Jealous that you have finished your "Greetings from Elm Creek".